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Helium is used by defense, nuclear and aerospace leaders for detecting leaks in critical equipment, including rocket engines, and for purging and propellant transfer. Our proprietary liquid helium pumping technology allows these industries to pressurize large on-site gaseous storage vessels at lower costs, with less energy and at faster rates.

Helium can also be used for purging. Since it has the lowest melting and boiling point of any gas, is inert, and has a low freezing temperature, it is used for purging by displacing very cold liquids such as liquid oxygen or liquid hydrogen safely without freezing.

Air Products has been a leading supplier of helium to the space industry since its inception delivering innovative approaches such as gas supply management systems which can reduce the cost of gas ownership and improve overall processes.

We offer a variety of technical services, gas-based solutions and a full line of industrial gases—helium, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and various gas blends for small and large volume users. Our applications engineers can work with you to understand your operation and recommend improvements that can help you optimize gas use and improve product quality.

Download Secure and Reliable Helium Supply brochure

​Industrial gases from a global leader

Reliable and secure supply of industrial gases

Multi-plant network with primary production and secondary product sources to maintain reliable supply.

Excellent record of meeting on-time needs

24/7 Inventory Management Services to create a supply replenishment plan based on your current and future production schedule.

Industry leader in safety

Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our operating communities

Technical support when you need it

Experienced technical teams across the globe can provide supply and technology solutions to meet your unique needs

World-class customer service

Our approach to customer relationships is based on understanding your needs first

World's leading producer and supplier of helium

World leader supplying liquid and compressed helium in a variety of purities and supply modes

Ask the Expert

Doug Williams

Advanced Systems Engineer Nordamerika

“How can I optimize my helium usage?”
Helium gas plays a vital role in the production of rocket components and supporting launch activities. Defense, nuclear, and aerospace manufacturers use helium for detecting leaks in critical equipment such as rocket engines, and for purging and propellant transfer. Many face the challenge to increase quality while reducing costs. Air Products has been a leading supplier of helium to the space industry since its inception delivering innovative approaches such as gas supply management systems which can reduce the cost of gas ownership and improve overall processes. Our proprietary liquid helium pumping technology allows these industries to pressurize large on-site gaseous storage vessels at lower costs, with less energy, and at faster rates. Air Products has a global supply network, breadth of resources, world class service, expert technical assistance, commitment to quality, and an industry-recognized safety record. We understand your need for a secure, reliable supply, coupled with attention to detail and supported by service—throughout the world. Let us help make your business take off.

Air Products ist ein weltweit führender Helium-Lieferant

  • Pionier vieler Technologien zur Heliumgewinnung, -produktion, -verteilung und -lagerung, die noch heute im Einsatz sind
  • Weltweit vielfältigster Mix an Helium-Quellen (LNG, Methan und CO₂)
  • Globales Vertriebsnetz mit leistungsstarken Speichertanks
  • Helium-Experten bieten erstklassigen Service und erstklassige Unterstützung
  • Anerkannte Sicherheitsbilanz


Wenn Sie Helium verwenden, ist es wichtig, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter wissen, wie es sicher zu handhaben ist. Dennoch kann die Schulung Ihre Zeit erheblich beanspruchen. Wir können dazu beitragen, Ihnen die Arbeit zu erleichtern, indem wir Sicherheitspräsentationen vor Ort anbieten. Egal, ob Sie neue Mitarbeiter schulen oder Ihre Mitarbeiter neu schulen müssen, wir können Programme anbieten, die Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Unsere praktischen und prägnanten Schulungen können dazu beitragen, das Bewusstsein Ihrer Mitarbeiter für Gefahren zu schärfen und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und bewährte Methoden zur Förderung eines sicheren und gesunden Arbeitsplatzes zu fördern.

Nutzen Sie unsere erstklassige Erfahrung.

Wenden Sie sich an einen unserer technischen Experten, der Ihnen beim Design, der Konstruktion, dem Bau und dem Betrieb eines Gasversorgungssystems für Ihre spezifische Anwendung hilft.


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